BUSINESS | English meaning - Cambridge Dictionary
BUSINESS definition: 1. the activity of buying and selling goods and services: 2. a particular company that buys and….
BUSINESS中文(简体)翻译:剑桥词典 - Cambridge Dictionary
business翻译:卖, 买卖(货品或服务), 公司;商业机构, 商务活动, 生意, 事情, 状况;事,事情;事务;重要事件, 所做的事情, 个人 ...
ENTERPRISE | English meaning - Cambridge Dictionary
ENTERPRISE definition: 1. an organization, especially a business, or a difficult and important plan, especially one that….
LUCRATIVE | English meaning - Cambridge Dictionary
LUCRATIVE definition: 1. (especially of a business, job, or activity) producing a lot of money: 2. (especia
LEVERAGE | English meaning - Cambridge Dictionary
LEVERAGE definition: 1. the action or advantage of using a lever: 2. power to influence people and get the results you….
PREMISES | English meaning - Cambridge Dictionary
PREMISES definition: 1. the land and buildings owned by someone, especially by a company or organization: 2. the land….
STAKE | English meaning - Cambridge Dictionary
STAKE definition: 1. a share or a financial involvement in something such as a business: 2. If you have a stake in….
MONOPOLY | English meaning - Cambridge Dictionary
MONOPOLY definition: 1. (an organization or group that has) complete control of something, especially an area of….
CATALOGUE | English meaning - Cambridge Dictionary
CATALOGUE definition: 1. a book with a list of all the goods that you can buy from a shop: 2. a list of all the books….
REFERRAL | English meaning - Cambridge Dictionary
REFERRAL definition: 1. the act of directing someone to a different place or person for information, help, or action….